Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some Questions answered

ICAN White Papers



* Breech
* Breech Presentation Fact Sheet
* Cesarean Fact Card
* Cesarean Fact Sheet
* Choosing a Birthplace
* Choosing a Primary Caregiver
* Elective Cesareans: Patient Choice or Doctor Coerced
* En Espanol: Lo Que Puedes Hacer Para Evitar Una Cesárea Innecesaria
* Epidurals—Real Risks for Mother and Baby
* Exercise in Pregnancy
* Family Centered Cesarean
* Herpes in Pregnancy
* How to Choose a Doctor or Midwife
* Induced Labor and Informed Consent in Canada
* Induction of Labor
* Legal Rights of the Pregnant Woman
* Misoprostol (Cytotec) for Labor Induction: A Cautionary Tale
* Patient Choice Cesarean
* Professional Labor Support
* Pushing Positions
* Reading List
* Things a Careprovider Can Do to Avoid Unnecessary Cesareans
* Things You Can Do to Avoid an Unnecessary Cesarean
* What is ICAN?


* Breastfeeding After Cesarean
* Cesarean Section - What Happens During Surgery
* El Impacto de la Cesarea o Despues de la Cesarea
* Postpartum Depression and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
* Recovering from a Cesarean: Tips on Healing
* Recovering from a Cesarean Birth
* Summary of Books on Postpartum Depression
* The Emotional Impact of Cesarean


* Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
* Critique of ACOG Practice Bulletin # 5, July 1999, "Vaginal birth after previous cesarean section"
* En Espanol: Contra el retroceso de los PVDC: crítica de la investigación actual
* Enforcing and Promoting Women’s Rights
* Fighting VBAC-Lash: Critiquing Current Research
* Induction of Labor
* Issues and Procedures in Women’s Health
* My Hospital Is Currently Not Allowing VBAC
* Position Statement: Elective Cesarean Sections Riskier than Vaginal Birth
* Reading List
* The Suture Debate
* Uterine Rupture: A 10-year population-based study of uterine rupture
* Vaginal Birth After 2 or More Cesareans
* Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Checklist
* VBAC and Pharmaceutical Induction: Help or Hindrance?
* VBAC Fact Sheet
* VBAC Policy Database
* What to Do if Your Hospital Has "Banned" VBAC

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