Monday, April 6, 2015

April is Cesarean Awareness Month! Donate or join at a discounted rate this month.

ICAN does not require membership, but if you'd like to support our mission please consider either making a donation or joining. Donations can be made through PayPal to or click here to join at the CAM discounted price:

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hire a Doula! (or two)

Research shows that having a doula by your side decreases your risk of having a cesarean and increases the likelihood of having appositive birth experience.

I was so glad to have had three doulas support my labor with my second child. They knew just what I needed and I never had to say a thing! The doulas I had on my team made sure to involve my husband in many ways and they helped to manage my older child if needed. They got me snacks and made sure I stayed hydrated, applied counter pressure, gave me massages, were always full of encouraging words, suggested different positions to facilitate my baby coming down, and so much more! Doulas are really an invaluable source of comfort and strength when you are at your most vulnerable place. Decisions that you have to make in labor are yours to make, but your doula knows your desires and will help to remind you of them if times get hairy.

ICAN recommends hiring a doula because every woman needs to be surrounded by true support in labor. If you feel this is an expense you cannot afford, please contact a doula anyway. Many doulas will work with you on payment, some even will barter services or they can point you to a doula in training who can support you for less. Having the support, knowledge and experience of a doula is really priceless! Click here to see a listing of doulas in Mississippi