Method of Delivery | Total |
Total Methods of Delivery Reported | 41,445 |
Vaginal | 24,731 |
Vaginal Birth After Previous C-Section | 199 |
Primary C-Section | 8,014 |
Repeat C-Section | 7,024 |
Forceps | 353 |
Vacuum | 1,124 |
From what I can figure the VBAC rate for all births is less than half a percent at 0.48%.
But it would be better to calculate the rate of those that have had a c-section in their history. So, I added the VBAC group and the Repeat c-section group and came up with a rate of 2.76%.
Also of interest in the report was Table A13, Complications of Labor and Delivery. Just about every complication I could think of was on there, except one. Uterine rupture. I guess our state either did not have any, or it is lumped in with the "other" category.
River Oaks hospital supposedly "allows" VBACs, but they have the state's highest C-section rate--pushing 60%. I do an analysis of some of their policies here: