Mississippi Birth Collective
Email: msbirthcollective@gmail.com
Website: www.msbirthcollective.com
Services Provided: The MS Birth Collective strives to improve pregnancy, childbirth and the post partum period by creating a central database of Mississippi birth workers passionate about providing local birth related services.
Sunstone Birth Services - Susan Stonecypher
Phone: 769-232-9968
Email: sunstonebirth@icloud.com
Website: www.facebook.com/sunstonebirthservices
Services Provided: Professional birth doula and placenta encapsulation services in Central MS.
ICAN's Professional Subscriber Network includes doulas, CBEs, chiropractors, massage therapists, hypnobirth therapists, midwives...... Anyone who feels they have a service they can provide to pregnant women. To be eligible for this listing you must become a professional subscriber of ICAN. Please contact us if you wish to become a subscriber. You will be listed on our website as well as ICAN National's website, helping you reach more mothers.
ICAN's Professional Subscriber Network is a resource for consumers and for birth professionals.
The ICAN website gets between 4,000 - 5,000 hits per month, ranking high in browser searches for "cesarean" as well as "VBAC." Many of our initial contacts are from women seeking "VBAC-friendly" birth professionals. Our professional subscriber program connects women to birth professionals in their area that profess support for ICAN's mission. ICAN's Professional Subscriber Network also links to our searchable chapter feature further enhancing your exposure.
ICAN Professional Subscribers also receive:
•Discount to ICAN's conference
•10% discount at ICAN's bookstore
•Additional recognition in Clarion & Annual report
•Website Listing for one year
ICAN is a 501(c)(3) organization in the USA. Donations are tax deductible by most US taxpayers. Your subscription is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
ICAN's Professional Subscriber Network is intended as an informational resource for consumers. ICAN is pleased to pass along the names of professionals who have given us permission to release their names for referral. Please understand that ICAN is not a credentialing agency or a regulatory body. As such, we are not responsible for the competency of the professionals listed. Consumers are encouraged to take responsibility for their birth experience by informing themselves regarding the competency of those professionals that they retain. Asking questions, obtaining local references and understanding that you are responsible for your own choices by thorough reading and discussing care with other parents and care providers is essential and is your responsibility.
The mission of ICAN of Jackson, MS is to educate and empower women to prevent unecessary cesareans, support those who are healing emotionally and physically from a cesarean or traumatic vaginal birth and advocate for VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). We meet monthly. Please email jackson.ms@ican-online.org if you are interested in attending a meeting.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Thursday, February 13, 2014
Two beating hearts...let's keep both healthy during pregnancy!
At February's monthly meeting we'll have a local Chiropractor joining us to field questions and discuss overall healthy in pregnancy, adjustments during pregnancy and the Webster technique used to help turn breech babies.
If you are interested in attending this meeting, please email: icanofjacksonms@gmail.com
Here's more information for keeping two hearts healthy during pregnancy:
Diet During Pregnancy: http://www.drbrewerpregnancydiet.com/id96.html
Exercise: http://www.birthdancing.com/
Webster Technique: http://birthwithoutfearblog.com/2012/07/10/how-the-webster-technique-can-help-you-birth-without-fear/